
Saturday, 8 October 2011

Makeover! :)

Dear readers,

So, as you can see, I've redecorated a little :)

What do you think?

 It's been great fun, messing around with Picnik, picking out loads of pictures and seeing what I could do with them, choosing colours and fonts and all sorts. I've got loads of advice and been able to look at loads of other gorgeous blogs.

However, I've been more than frustrated. I was talking to a friend while trying to put the header up for the first time, and I might have mentioned (and I quote):
 "I could take it's neck and squeeze it and brutally murder it and stamp on its stupid little head and KILL IT."

Yeah, Blogger was really annoying me. It was kind of my fault, I must say - I am a very inexperienced blogger, especially on the design front. However, I've learnt an awful lot in the process of doing this.

But I certainly cannot take all the credit for the makeover.

Thank you very much indeed to the lovely Fizi Kizi - author of Take To The Sky..., who has put up with my incessant questions. She's given me so much advice, on starting the blog, on my posts and on... well, just about everything else I do in my life. Be sure to check out her blog - it's awesome.

The picture in the header of the rainbow - that's courtesy of Joey, thank you :)

The other photo? Well... I think it's so awesome that I need to post it again.

Daisy by Megan

The girl who took this photo is amazing. As a friend, a girl, a photographer - and my cousin.

What do you think? There's a new Contact Me page. Let me know.

Sorry, people, wasn't the most interesting post, I know.
I'll be posting something more helpful soon, promise :)

Lizzie xx



  2. now that I have my laptop back- It looks great Lizzie!! And my advice really isn't as good as you make out!!
    love xxxx

  3. It looks ledgen -wait for it-.... dary, and AAAWWESSOMMMMEE!! Great work =D
