
Saturday, 26 November 2011

I'm so sorry, everybody, it's been SOOO long! And I promised I'd post soon. I apologise - exams and life got in the way of my blogging progress...

Anyway, I haven't got that much time today, either because I'm going
:) I LOVE ice skating. So it's incredibly awesome to be doing a course and learning how to actually how do it properly. I'm not awful, but I can't do anything fancy. Meeting new people and first lessons and new people are always nerve-wracking, but we'll see how it goes.

And after ice-skating, I'm off
with someone totally amazing and beautiful, whom I absolutely love to pieces :)
We're on the search for ball dresses, for a ball we're off to in December, which is very exciting stuff.

Anyway, I must be off to do all that.

Keep safe everybody. Peace, love and blessings :)
Lizzie xx